Our Mission
The mission of Four Corners Child Advocacy Center is to strengthen our community’s response to child abuse and neglect through prevention, intervention, education, and advocacy.
Who We Are
Four Corners Child Advocacy Center provides a safe, child-friendly environment that eases the emotional trauma experienced by children during the investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases.
We’ve been serving child victims of abuse and their non-offending family members since 1992.

Our Vision
The mission of Four Corners Child Advocacy Center is to strengthen our community’s response to child abuse and neglect through prevention, intervention, education, and advocacy.
Our Goals
- Minimize trauma suffered by the child due to multiple contacts with different
community professionals - Provide families with referrals for needed services
- Maintain open communication and case coordination among the agencies involved in child protection efforts
- Develop and promote prevention education programs for parents and care givers
- Make available specialized training to enhance professional skills to effectively
respond to child sexual and severe physical abuse - Educate mandated reporters of their legal responsibilities under Colorado law
- Provide an educational component to enhance community awareness and
understanding of child sexual and physical abuse.

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News from the FCCAC
Hands: Instruments of Care
This Thanksgiving, he is grateful for the love and support ...
Holiday Safety: Empowering Our Young Ones
As families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, it's a wonderful time ...