PARENTS & COMMUNITY MEMBERS: JOIN US FOR AN INFORMATIVE WORKSHOP! A 1.5-hour workshop for parents, guardians, and community members about addressing sexting (with an emphasis on the law) and safe media usage with the teens in their lives.
Sexting (the sharing of sexually explicit text or images over any media — including internet, social media, and text) has been going on for years, but recently has captured the state and nation’s attention with “scandals”. But are alarmist responses really the right way to talk to teens about sexting? Is there another way for us to approach our youth on these topics?
In this workshop, you will discuss group perspectives on sexting, the perceived psychology of teens (and why they sext), the Colorado Law regarding underage sexting, and ideas for how parents, guardians, and community can tackle this topic with the teens we love and support. Information presented is courtesy of Kindling Communications and CCASA.